@article{100446, keywords = {leprosy, Mental Health, stigma, Quality of Life}, author = {Abo Kersh AA and Abd Khalik GM and El-Esawy FM and Abd el- sattar EM}, title = {Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Perceived Stigma among Leprosy Patients}, abstract = {

Leprosy is a chronic, infectious, granulomatous illness that has the ability to injure the nervous system, making the patient physically disabled and even deformed. Complex issues may be caused by leprosy, a chronic illness. Problems with mental health, social life, finances, culture, safety, and even national security are all aspects of leprosy. The purpose of this study is to identify socio-demographic determinants, perceived stigma, and other variables that contribute to leprosy patients' quality of life and mental health. In conclusion, the quality of life for those living with leprosy is quite low. Environmental, physical, psychological, and social aspects of quality of life are all adversely impacted by leprosy. A number of mental health issues, including sadness, worry, and stress, manifest in leprosy patients. mental health declines in tandem with the severity of physical disabilities. Among those living with leprosy, there is a significant prevalence of stigma.and stress, manifest in leprosy patients. mental health declines in tandem with the severity of physical disabilities. Among those living with leprosy, there is a significant prevalence of stigma.

}, year = {2024}, journal = {Benha Journal of Applied Sciences}, volume = {9}, pages = {37-40}, publisher = {Egyptian Knowledge Bank}, issn = {2356-976X}, url = {https://bjas.journals.ekb.eg/article_366411_3cda0e0c9ebafb1c36bc435ed3c7d626.pdf}, doi = {10.21608/bjas.2024.295037.1434}, language = {ENG}, }