@article{100541, keywords = {Gait initiation, Anticipatory postural adjustments, Leprosy, Wireless triaxial accelerometer}, author = {Igarashi Y and Marques AP and Andrade KFA and Brito AL and Xavier MB and Souza GS and Callegari B}, title = {Accelerometer approach for anticipatory postural adjustments assessment during step initiation in patients with leprosy}, abstract = {

Anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) involve a complex coordination of sensorimotor information that can be impaired in diseases that afect nerve conduction. Assessing APAs typically requires costly video recording technology, posing a challenge to the study of postural changes. This hurdle is compounded in impoverished communities afected by diseases such as leprosy, which often receive limited government support. Recent years have seen the validation of inertial sensors in wearable devices and smartphones for APA analysis in diverse populations, including adults, the elderly and people with Parkinson’s disease. This progress ofers economically efcient alternatives for the study of APA in leprosy. Do patterns of activation of anticipatory postural adjustment difer between leprosy patients and healthy controls? We also investigated the validity and replicability of APAs recorded in leprosy patients using inertial measurements and video capture recordings. Thirty healthy individuals in the control group and 30 individuals with leprosy in the leprosy group performed ten gait initiation trials. To record the APA for gait initiation, the participants stood on a 2 m platform. Each participant was informed that the experimenter would give an signal, after which the participant would initiate a two-step walk on the platform. Inertial recordings (low-cost method) and video capture recordings (gold-standard method) from center of mass displacements were used to extract the APA before gait initiation. The results show that APAs are similar between groups (control and leprosy), but leprosy patients have less consistent APAs. In addition, this study highlights the reproducibility and high correlation between the values of variables obtained from both instruments, the video recording as gold standard method and portable digital inertial sensor as a low-cost alternative method. These promising fndings support the use of afordable inertial sensors to track and record APAs in underserved populations that lack easy access to gold standard methods such as video recording. This approach has the potential to improve the therapeutic care and rehabilitation of these patients. Although not currently part of ofcial protocols for leprosy patients, this assessment method could prove particularly valuable in situations where signifcant sensorimotor impairments are suspected or documented.

}, year = {2024}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {14}, pages = {1-10}, publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, issn = {2045-2322}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-68224-x.pdf}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-024-68224-x}, language = {ENG}, }