@article{100951, author = {F. W and N. Epker B}, title = {Oral and perioral manifestations of leprosy: Report of a case}, abstract = {

The oral and perioral manifestations, both clinical and radiographic, of leprosy have been reviewed. In tuberculoid leprosy, sensory and motor nerve involvement of the trigeminal and facial nerves is not uncommon, although involvement of all nerves supplying the oral and related structures occurs. In lepromatous leprosy, facial and oral involvement with ulceration, scarring, and typical lepromas occurs, resulting in numerous esthetic and functional deformities. Nerve involvement may become manifest if the disease progresses. There may be transition and overlap of signs and symptoms between these two types.

The case of lepromatous leprosy described here involved rather typical facial changes; however, there was no intraoral pathosis other than gingivitis and periodontitis. Perhaps most notable, in this patient there were maxillary and mandibular radiographic changes which have not been described previously.

}, year = {1969}, journal = {Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology}, language = {ENG}, }