@article{10841, keywords = {Acute disease, Erythema Nodosum, Glomerulonephritis, Humans, Leprosy, lepromatous, Male, Middle Aged}, author = {Nigam P and Pant K C and Mukhija R D and Sharma S P and Saxena S P and Kumar A and Kapoor K K and Gupta A K}, title = {Rapidly progressive (crescentric) glomerulonephritis in erythema nodosum leprosum: case report.}, abstract = {

A middle aged man (48 years) with short duration of illness (7 days) was admitted in the state of acute renal failure with erythema nodosum leprosum. He had repeated episodes of erythema nodosum leprosum in the past. His blood pressure was normal (150/80 mmHg). During his hospital stay he was in the state of progressive anaemia (Hb = 8.8 g/dl to 7.2 g/dl), oliguria (urine out-put = 250-350 ml/day), azotaemia (blood urea = 198 mg/dl to 218 mg/dl) and impaired renal function tests with fatal outcome. Kidneys were smooth, congested and weighing 150 g each with histological features of rapidly progressive (crescentric) glomerulonephritis, a result of immune complex deposition from recurrent erythema nodosum leprosum episodes.

}, year = {1986}, journal = {Hansenologia internationalis}, volume = {11}, pages = {1-6}, month = {1986 Jan-Dec}, issn = {0100-3283}, language = {eng}, }