@article{18246, keywords = {Animals, Antigens, Bacterial, Armadillos, Chemical Precipitation, Humans, Immunodiffusion, Lymph Nodes, Lymphocyte Activation, Mice, Mycobacterium, Mycobacterium leprae, Rabbits}, author = {Stanford J L and Rook G A and Convit J and Godal T and Kronvall G and Rees R J and Walsh G P}, title = {Preliminary taxonomic studies on the leprosy bacillus.}, abstract = {

Antigens extracted from leprosy bacilli obtained from infected human and armadillo tissues have been examined by immunodiffusion analysis with serum samples from lepromatous patients and with immune sera raised in rabbits. Using the best combinations of serum and antigen extracts, 12 antigenic constituents were found in the leprosy bacilli. Six of these were antigens common to all mycobacteria and nocardiae, 4 were specific to the leprosy bacillus and the position of 2 could not be determined. Groups ii and iii antigens (i.e. those associated with the slow growing and fast growing subgenera of mycobacteria) were not found in theleprosy bacillus, suggesting some relationship with M. vaccae and similar strains, in which these antigens are also missing. Lymphocyte transformation tests performed on lymph node cells of mice infected or immunized with leprosy bacilli also showed the leprosy bacillus to have a closer relationship with M. vaccae than with other mycobacteria.

}, year = {1975}, journal = {British journal of experimental pathology}, volume = {56}, pages = {579-85}, month = {1975 Dec}, issn = {0007-1021}, url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2072793/pdf/brjexppathol00402-0100.pdf}, language = {eng}, }