@article{18610, keywords = {Bacteria, Aerobic, Biopsy, Humans, leprosy, Mycobacterium, Skin}, author = {Sharma R K and Katoch K and Sharma V D and Shivannavar C T and Natarajan M and Katoch V M}, title = {Studies on microbial aerobic flora of skin in leprosy patients.}, abstract = {

This study reports the isolation and identification of aerobic organisms from biopsies/slit-skin smears/scrapings from 129 leprosy patients and 50 healthy controls. These include 56 paucibacillary (PB) and 73 multibacillary (MB) cases. Thirty-six isolates from the specimens from 21 patients and 15 healthy controls were grown. The non-mycobacterial isolates from clinically PB leprosy (TT/BT/I) patients were: (1) Gram-positive cocci: Staphylococcus aureus(1), Staphylococcus albus(1); (b) Gram-positive bacilli: Bacillus subtilis(1), Corynebacterium xerosis(1); (c) Gram-negative bacilli: Escherichia coli(1), Proteus mirabilis(2), Klebsiella pneumoniae(1) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(1). The isolates from clinically MB leprosy (BB/BL/LL) patients were: (a) Gram-positive cocci: Micrococci(1), Staphylococcus aureus(1) and Staphylococcus albus(1); (b) Gram-positive bacilli: Corynebacterium xerosis(1); Corynebacterium hofmanni(1) and Bacillus cereus(1). (c) Gram-negative bacilli: Escherichia coli(2), Klebsiella pneumoniae(1) and Proteus mirabilis(2). The specimens from healthy controls yielded similar organisms. These were (a) Gram-positive cocci: Staphylococcus albus(2), Staphylococcus aureus(2) and Micrococci(2); (b) Gram-positive bacilli: Corynebacterium xerosis(1), Bacillus subtilis(2), Corynebacterium hofmanni(1) and Bacillus cereus(1); (c) Gram-negative bacilli: Escherichia coli(3), Proteus vulgaris(1) and Proteus mirabilis(1). While these results show no significant differences in the species types of non-mycobacterial aerobic organisms isolated from healthy skin and PB/MB types of leprosy, these isolates need to be characterized by immunological/molecular methods to find out subtypes if any.

}, year = {1995}, journal = {Indian journal of leprosy}, volume = {67}, pages = {309-19}, month = {1995 Jul-Sep}, issn = {0254-9395}, language = {eng}, }