@article{188, keywords = {Adolescent, Brazil, Child, Child, Preschool, Disabled Persons, Female, Humans, Infant, leprosy, Male}, author = {Lana FCF and Amaral EP and Lanza FM and Saldanha ANSLE}, title = {Physical disabilities resulting from Hansen's disease in Vale do Jequitinhonha/state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.}, abstract = {

Leprosy is potentially debilitating. The present study aims at describing and assessing the occurrence of physical disabilities in cases of leprosy in the population of the Vale do Jequitinhonha/MG, in the period 1998-2006. It is an epidemiological descriptive study and the data were collected from the Leprosy Notification Forms. This information was processed using EPI-INFO and analyzed, based on the indicators recommended by the Ministry of Health and the force of association between variables. Of the 1461 cases notified, 46.2% were diagnosed with some kind of physical disability (12.1% degree II). Of these, 59.1% were male; 96.9% of the people were over 15 years old, and 93.2% were multibacillary (p < 0.001). A hidden prevalence of 433 cases was estimated in the period 2002-2006. The results show that the diagnosis of Hansen's disease in the region is late, revealing the need to intensify prevention and control.

}, year = {2008}, journal = {Revista latino-americana de enfermagem}, volume = {16}, pages = {993-7}, month = {2008 Nov-Dec}, issn = {0104-1169}, url = {https://www.scielo.br/j/rlae/a/wjFMYyTBrjKXbbHvSZLMh3b/?lang=en}, doi = {10.1590/s0104-11692008000600009}, language = {eng}, }