@article{18941, keywords = {Adrenal Cortex Hormones, Adult, African Continental Ancestry Group, Diagnosis, Differential, Granuloma, Humans, leprosy, Male, Nigeria, Skin, Skin Diseases}, author = {Rogge T}, title = {[Granuloma multiforme].}, abstract = {

A case of granuloma multiforme is reported. Granuloma multiforme has been seen so far only in blacks from Nigeria or East Africa. The disease does not affect children and adolescents. Common sites of infection are arms, chest, back, neck, and head. The differential diagnosis is tuberculoid leprosy and granuloma anulare. Granuloma multiforme also shows similarity to that of granuloma anulare or, if more of a tuberculoid nature, to that of sarcoidosis or that of granulomatosis disciformis chronica et progressiva Miescher. The etiology of granuloma multiforme is unknown. It may respond to intralesional corticosteroid therapy or show involution following a diagnostic biopsy. In the reported case response to intralesional corticosteroid suspension and topical application of dimethyldiphenylendisulfide was very satisfactory.

}, year = {1977}, journal = {Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete}, volume = {28}, pages = {375-7}, month = {1977 Jul}, issn = {0017-8470}, language = {ger}, }