@article{19113, keywords = {Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Eyelid Diseases, Female, Humans, leprosy, Male, Middle Aged, Paralysis, Postoperative Complications, Temporal Muscle}, author = {Soares D and Chew M}, title = {Temporalis muscle transfer in the correction of lagophthalmos due to leprosy.}, abstract = {

In the correction of lagophthalmos due to leprosy neuritis temporalis muscle transfer (TMT) is used to provide a motor to assist in lid closure. This study of TMT in 51 eyes was carried out to assess the effectiveness of TMT in achieving lid closure and corneal protection. The average lid gap preoperatively on light closure was 7.3 mm which was reduced to 3.2 mm on final follow-up. The average lid gap pre-operatively on tight closure was 5.3 mm which was reduced to 0.4 mm at final follow-up. It is possible to train patients with partial or total anesthesia of the cornea in a visual THINK-BLINK reflex. The common complications encountered were ectropion in 6 eyes (12%) and ptosis in 3 eyes (6%).

}, year = {1997}, journal = {Leprosy review}, volume = {68}, pages = {38-42}, month = {1997 Mar}, issn = {0305-7518}, url = {http://leprev.ilsl.br/pdfs/1997/v68n1/pdf/v68n1a06.pdf}, doi = {10.5935/0305-7518.19970006}, language = {eng}, }