@article{19628, keywords = {Africa, Health Personnel, Health Services Research, Humans, leprosy, Problem-Based Learning, Tuberculosis}, author = {Lever P and Bijlmakers L and Zwanikken and Saunderson P}, title = {Health systems research in leprosy control--what contributions can it make?}, abstract = {

The paper describes a Health Systems Research (HSR) training programme which took place at the All Africa Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Rehabilitation Training Centre (ALERT) in Ethiopia. The training consisted of three stages: an initial workshop focussing on protocol development, followed by a fieldwork period and a data analysis and report writing workshop. Twenty participants, divided over four groups, took part in the training and carried out the research alongside their day-to-day professional commitments. Three of the projects were concerned with prevention of disabilities, one with integration of the leprosy programme into the general health services. Based on the findings of their research, each group produced a set of recommendations and a plan of action for the implementation of these recommendations. The contribution of HSR to leprosy control is discussed.

}, year = {1998}, journal = {Leprosy review}, volume = {69}, pages = {122-7}, month = {1998 Jun}, issn = {0305-7518}, url = {http://leprev.ilsl.br/pdfs/1998/v69n2/pdf/v69n2a05.pdf}, doi = {10.5935/0305-7518.19980012}, language = {eng}, }