@article{19895, keywords = {Therapy, Syndrome, Secondary, Patients, Mycobacterium leprae, Mycobacterium, leprosy, Iris, Infection, HIV}, author = {Martiniuk F and Rao S D and Rea T H and Glickman M S and Giovinazzo J and Rom W N}, title = {Leprosy as Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in HIV-positive persons : letter to the editor}, abstract = {

More than two decades ago, when HIV was first detected, many investigators predicted the rise of leprosy secondary to opportunistic infection. Recently the phenommenon of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), or leprosy reversal respons, has received attraction. IRIS often occurs secondary to initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The first indications of an interaction between HIV an Mycobacterium leprae occurred only recently, with the identification of IRIS after initiation of HAART in patients with HIV and previously undetected leprosy.

}, year = {2007}, journal = {Emerging Infectious Diseases}, volume = {13}, pages = {1438 - 1440}, month = {2007/09//}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2857291/pdf/07-0301_finalL.pdf}, language = {eng}, }