@book{20093, keywords = {leprosy, Classification, Africa}, author = {Jacyk W K}, title = {Leprosy in Africans : Lepra (Doença de Hansen) nos Africanos : a pictorial documentation based on photographs selected and annotated by W.K. Jacyk}, year = {2003}, pages = {52 p.}, publisher = {DAHW; Lepra; TLMI}, address = {Würzburg, London}, url = {http://www.ilep.org.uk/fileadmin/uploads/Documents/Non-ILEP_Publications/lepinaportd.pdf}, note = {Leprosy in Africans was originally published in 1986. The examples of leprosy shown were classified according to the Ridley Jopling classification of clinical forms. This edition has been modified to use the current WHO classification of paucibacilliary (PB) or multibacilliary (MB). PB is defined as leprosy with up to five anaesthetic skin patches and MB as more than five anaesthetic skin patches or any case with a positive slit skin smear. }, language = {eng, por}, }