@misc{20424, keywords = {Leprosy control, WHO Technical Advisory Group Meeting Reports}, author = {WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) }, title = {Report of the tenth meeting of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on leprosy control : New Delhi, India, 23 April 2009}, abstract = {

This meeting was attended by members of the TAG; experts invited from the areas of chemotherapy research, drug resistance surveillance and social science; representatives from the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) and the International Leprosy Association (ILA) and Regional Advisers from the WHO Regions. The TAG members unanimously endorsed the “Enhanced Global Strategy for Further Reducing the Disease Burden due to Leprosy 2011-2015” and the accompanying “Operational Guidelines”.

}, year = {2009}, journal = {WHO Technical Advisory Group Meeting Reports}, number = {SEA-GLP-2009.5}, pages = {14 p.}, publisher = {WHO Regional office for South-East Asia}, address = {New Delhi}, url = {http://www.searo.who.int/entity/global_leprosy_programme/publications/10th_tag_meeting_2009.pdf}, language = {eng}, }