@article{23088, keywords = {Case detection, Data, Epidemiology, leprosy, Leprosy control, Prevention, Statistics, Trends, WHO}, title = {Global leprosy situation, 2012}, abstract = {

Leprosy control has improved significantly due to national and subnational campaigns in most endemic countries. Integration of primary leprosy services and effective collaborations and partnerships have led to a considerable reduction in leprosy burden. Nevertheless, new cases continue to occur in almost all endemic countries and high-burden pockets can exist against a low-burden background. Intensified and focused activities with multiple drug treatment have reduced the leprosy burden but sustaining the same level of focus and commitment is a challenge, especially in low-resource settings where equity of access is an issue.

}, year = {2012}, journal = {Weekly epidemiological record}, volume = {87}, pages = {317–328}, url = {http://www.who.int/wer/2012/wer8734.pdf}, language = {eng, fre}, }