@misc{23784, keywords = {World Health Assembly, WHO, WHA, leprosy}, author = {World Health Assembly }, title = {Resolution WHA 51.15 : "Elimination of Leprosy as a Public Health Problem".}, abstract = {

Recalling resolution WHA44.9 and earlier resolutions of the Health Assembly and the Executive Board on leprosy, and

Recognizing the need to intensify antileprosy activities, particularly in countries with a high rate of prevalence, in order to reach the goal of elimination of leprosy as a public health problem by the year 2000,

the Wolrd Health Assembly - at its 51st plenary Meeting - urges Member States:

(1) to recognize the excellent opportunity to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem;

(2) to intensify their efforts to reach remaining cases through accelerated plans, including national leprosy elimination campaigns and special initiatives to detect and treat patients in underserved communities, and by making multidrug therapy available in all peripheral health facilities.


}, year = {1998}, volume = {Resolution WHA 51.15}, pages = {2 p.}, month = {16 May 1998}, publisher = {World Health Organization }, address = {Geneva}, url = {http://www.who.int/neglected_diseases/mediacentre/WHA_51.15_Eng.pdf}, note = {

Recalling resolution WHA44.9 and earlier resolutions of the Health Assembly and the Executive Board on leprosy.

}, language = {eng}, }