@misc{24036, keywords = {Medical records systems, Medical informatics, Standards, Delivery of Health Care, Confidentiality, Data collection., WHO Global Observatory for eHealth}, author = {World Health Organization }, title = { Management of Patient Information : Trends and Challenges in Member States: Based on the Findings of the Second Global Survey on e-Health}, abstract = {Summary Enhancing the competencies of health professionals is only one of the ways health care services can be improved. The management of information in particular has been shown to impact the quality of health care service delivery. A powerful approach is to improve the tools with which health and health-related data and information are collected, stored, accessed, disseminated and used. This publication covers areas related to the management of patient information at three levels (local health care facility, regional/district, and national). It analyses the trends in the progression from paper-based information to digital formats. Policy makers, administrators and health professionals will find this publication a useful reference source. }, year = {2012}, journal = {Global Observatory for eHealth Series }, number = {No. 6}, pages = {76 p.}, publisher = {World Health Organization}, address = {Geneva}, isbn = {9241504641 }, url = {http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/76794/1/9789241504645_eng.pdf}, language = {eng}, }