@article{24287, keywords = {leprosy, Treatment, Dapsone, Therapy, Compliance}, author = {Vargas LCO and Rueda AG and Becerra X and Moreno EJ and León LDS}, title = {[Associated factors with irregular intake of Dapsone in leprosy patients]}, abstract = {To know the associated factors in the treatment compliance of leprosy patients is very important to prevent the appearance of Mycobacterium leprae resistance and achieve the bacteriological cure of these persons. The urine test for Dapsone, present in the self administered regimens, is a simple method to establish the regularity. Objective: To explore the factors associated with irregular intake of leprosy treatment. Methods: Cross sectional study of patients receiving leprosy treatment in a dermatology center. The irregularity was established with the dapsonuria test. It was considered irregular the patient with a negative dapsonuria test. Variables suspected of influencing the irregular intake were analyzed using exact logistic regression. Results: In the final multivariate model there were five associated variables, among which, the absence of disability OR 28.56( CI90% 1.2-2.1) and the provision of treatment for more than a month OR 3.41 (CI 90% 1.4-9.2) stand out as risk factors and as a protective factor, family acceptance of the disease OR 0.008 (CI 90% 0.001-0.24). Conclusion: Although it is possible that the small sample size did not allow to detect some risk factors reported in other investigations, most of those studies did not use a multivariate analysis, so it is possible too, that many of the factors reported in literature are irrelevant.}, year = {2013}, journal = {Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud}, volume = {45}, pages = {7-14}, url = {http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/suis/v45n1/v45n1a02.pdf}, language = {spa}, }