@article{24491, keywords = {History, 18th Century, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, History, 21st Century, Humans, Leper Colonies, leprosy, Reunion, Social stigma, Sulfones}, author = {Gaüzère B A and Aubry P}, title = {[History of leprosy in Reunion Island from the beginning of the 18th century until today].}, abstract = {

This article traces the history of leprosy in Reunion from the early eighteenth century, which long paralleled the slave trace. Lepers were confined to a lazaretto and treated with herbs. Father Raimbault, "doctor" and chaplain of the lepers in the middle of the twentieth century, is still honored today. The improvement in living standards and the use of sulfones finally resulted in the control of leprosy. Nonetheless, from 2005 to 2011, an average of three new cases per year were detected among a population of 800,000 inhabitants.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {Medecine et sante tropicales}, volume = {23}, pages = {281-6}, month = {2013 Jul-Sep}, issn = {2261-2211}, url = {http://www.jle.com/download/-10.1684_mst.2013.0239-histoire_de_la_lepre_a_la_reunion_du_debut_du_xviii_sup_e_sup_siecle_a_nos_jours-U8eVWn8AAQEAAGSZgx8AAAAI.pdf}, doi = {10.1684/mst.2013.0239}, language = {fre}, }