@article{24642, keywords = {Zinc, leprosy, India, Adenosine Deaminase}, author = {Pradhan T and Kumari S}, title = {Effect of Zinc supplementation on Adenosine Deaminase activity in Leprosy}, abstract = {Serum Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) acts as marker of cellular immunity and its activity is found to be altered in various diseases in which there is a cell mediated immune response (CMI) including leprosy. The role of zinc is well established in the development and maintainence of immunocompetence and its supplementation activates the immune response in particular T-lymphocytes and monocytes in several ways. The aim of the study was planned to evaluate the effect of nutritional zinc supplementation on cell mediated immune response by investigating the pre and post intervention serum ADA levels after oral zinc sulphate supplementation in leprosy patients.}, year = {2013}, journal = {Indian Medical Gazette}, pages = {376-380}, url = {http://medind.nic.in/ice/t13/i10/icet13i10p376.pdf}, language = {eng}, }