@article{24664, keywords = {leprosy, Disability, Brazil}, author = {Simplício Viana de Carvalho M and Carmo de Carvalho e Martins M and Moreira Nunes P and Evangelista de Araújo T}, title = {Physical disability prevalence in leprosy assisted in Teresina city (PI) reference center from 2005 to 2010}, abstract = {Objective: To investigate the prevalence of disability in leprosy patients treated at the referral center of Teresina. Method: This was a descriptive study based on the review of medical records of 1,036 patients treated between January 2005 and December 2010. Parameters age, sex, occupation, operating classification, clinical form of the disease, physical disability and body region affected by disability were analyzed. Associations between variables were investigated by means of chi- square. Results: The prevalence of disability was 21.4 % and 13.3% of grade I and grade II 8.1% , and both were significantly associated with male sex, age greater than or equal to 30 years and virchowian and multibacillary. The most affected regions were the feet (Grade I and Grade II) and hands (Grade II). Conclusion: The high prevalence of physical disability indicates the need for health care to reduce compromising the quality of life and productive capacity of the patients.}, year = {2013}, journal = {Journal of Research Fundamental Care On line}, volume = {5}, pages = {240-47}, url = {http://www.seer.unirio.br/index.php/cuidadofundamental/article/download/3496/3046&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm03mXlyAJMGtdLGXLO1Km-wHvCG-Q&oi=scholaralrt}, language = {eng}, }