@article{24701, keywords = {Polymorphism, leprosy, Cytokine, Cellular immunity, Brazil}, author = {Silva G A V and Santos M P and Motta-Passos I and Boechat A L and Malheiro A and Ramasawmy R and Naveca F G and Paula L}, title = {Polymorphisms assessment in the promoter region of IL12RB2 in Amazon leprosy patients}, abstract = {

Leprosy displays a wide clinical spectrum that is dependent of the type of immune response. We investigate here whether polymorphisms in the promoter region of the IL12RB2 gene are associated with susceptibility or resistance to clinical forms of leprosy. Nucleotide sequencing of the promoter region of IL12RB2 encompassing SNPs -1035 A/G, -1033 T/C, -1023 A/G, -650 del/G and -464 A/G was performed on DNA samples from 105 leprosy patients and 108 healthy controls. However, none of the SNPs were associated with susceptibility to the disease or any of its clinical forms. Similarly, haplotype analysis did not show any association. The haplotype -1035A/-1033T/-1023A/-650G/-464A was prevalent, and homozygosity for this haplotype was associated to a lower distribution of CD4(+) T cells (p = 0.041). Our data suggest that polymorphisms present in the promoter region of IL12RB2 may not be associated with susceptibility to leprosy or its clinical forms.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {Human immunology}, month = {2014 Jan 29}, issn = {1879-1166}, doi = {10.1016/j.humimm.2014.01.009}, language = {eng}, }