@article{24703, keywords = {Tropical ulcers, Skin infections, onchocerciasis, leprosy, Cutaneous leishmaniasis}, author = {Moor E M}, title = {Diagnostic approach to tropical skin infections}, abstract = {An approach to the diagnosis of tropical skin infections is described with emphasis on the important aspects of the history and clinical examination. In particular, the importance of taking a detailed travel history is highlighted, with focus on the precise details of the geographical areas of travel by a patient, and the activities undertaken whilst abroad. Diagnostic algorithms of the main dermatological presentations of ulcers/weeping spots, patches/plaques, and papules/nodules are presented. The key differential diagnoses of tropical skin infections are highlighted, including those conditions common in temperate regions that may be more common in the tropical environment. As HIV is common in the ‘tropical’ settings, skin conditions that are worsened by HIV are highlighted. Selected tropical skin infections are described in detail and a brief description of investigations that may be appropriate.}, year = {2014}, journal = {Tropical Infections}, volume = {42}, pages = {73-78}, language = {eng}, }