@article{24791, keywords = {Surgery, Reconstruction, Nose deformity, leprosy}, author = {Husain S}, title = {Reconstruction of moderately depressed nose in leprosy (a long-term follow-up).}, abstract = {Fifty seven leprosy patients having moderately collapsed nose were taken for nasal reconstruction. The bone graft was obtained from the second metatarsal of the foot. It was corticoperiosteal and placed in between lining and the nasal skin. 48 patients were reviewed periodically at 3 months, initially for 2 years and irregular visits at 3 to 5 year intervals in last 25 years. The nasal architecture and donor site problems were evaluated. 26 patients were completely satisfied, 14 patients were happy with shape of the nose along with some other problems. 6 cases showed the poor results. Two cases developed the deformity after seven years of correction. The details of the technique and the problems occurring during and long-term follow up have been discussed.}, year = {2013}, journal = {Indian journal of leprosy}, volume = {85}, pages = {115-21}, month = {2013 Jul-Sep}, issn = {0254-9395}, url = {http://www.ijl.org.in/2013/4%20Hussain%20et%20al%20(115-121).pdf}, language = {eng}, }