@article{25145, keywords = {Wound care, Prevention, Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), Ghana, Buruli ulcer, Benin}, author = {Velding K and Klis S and Abass KM and Tuah W and Stienstra Y and Werf T}, title = {Wound care in Buruli ulcer disease in Ghana and Benin.}, abstract = {
Buruli ulcer (BU) is a disease affecting the skin, subcutaneous fat, and bone tissues. Wound care is important in the prevention of disabilities. Awareness of current wound care practices in BU-endemic regions is necessary for future wound care interventions. Thirty-one health care workers in Ghana and Benin were interviewed with a semi-structured interview, complemented by structural observations. Quantitative data were analyzed through t tests and one-way analysis of variance, and qualitative data through descriptive statistics. There appeared to be a general understanding of wound assessment. A large variety of different topical antiseptics was reported to be used, pressure irrigation was never reported. Gauze was the main dressing type and a moist environment was preferred, but could not be maintained. Bleeding and pain were observed frequently. Standard of wound care differed importantly between health care personnel and between institutions and adherence to World Health Organization guidelines was low.
}, year = {2014}, journal = {American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene}, volume = {91}, pages = {313-318}, issn = {1476-1645}, url = {http://www.ajtmh.org/content/91/2/313.long }, doi = {10.4269/ajtmh.13-0255}, language = {eng}, }