@article{25428, keywords = {Diagnoses, Health Education, leprosy, Pathogenesis, Treatment}, author = {Singh A}, title = {Recent advances in diagnostic and treatment of infectious disease leprosy}, abstract = {Being classified as a chronic disease than an acute infectious one, leprosy is associated with long lasting complications regarding immunology, disability and deformity. Throughout history, the leprotic person is always barred from society. It is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, acid-fast bacteria having a long incubation period. The aim of this review is to educate people about the transmission and symptoms of this disease. Moreover to provide information regarding the pathophysiology as well as pathogenisis of leprosy or better known as Hansen’s disease. Aftermost mentioned is the treatment as well as the WHO recommended multidrug therapy regimens for leprosy.}, year = {2014}, journal = {Journal of drug discovery and therapeutics}, volume = {2}, url = {http://jddt.in/index.php/jddt/article/view/237/314}, language = {eng}, }