@article{25723, keywords = {Treatment, Stress, Stigma, Social aspects, leprosy, Adherence}, author = {Nahrowi S and Munawar S}, title = {Influenced Social Capital Related to Stigma, Psychological Stress and Treatment Adherence of Leprosy}, abstract = {
Leprosy is a contagious disease caused by mycobacterium leprae which attacked the skin and perifer nerve. Besides main infectious, leprosy can get acute inflammation episode which called reaction and emergency condition. The reaction of type 1 is signed with celulerhyper sensitivity and type 2 with systemic inflammation respond caused by comple x immune sediment. The factor caused ENL are idiopatic, infection, medication, pregnancy, psychological stress, and malignant. ENL can make the mental health worse and increase the disability risk. The disability grade two can cause stress and stigma which affected the live quality of leper. The objective of this research was to develop the model of social capital the in decreasing to decrease the stigma, psychological stress, and the treatment adherence of leprosy. This research used cross sectional with the population of multibaciler leper whose in treatment by the range age more than 12 year and the sample 80 respondents which was taken using simple random sampling technique. The inferential analyze used path analysis with Lisrel software.The result of in ferential analyses shows significant social capital influences toward the stigma with path/structural coefisient -0.28. Significant of socialcapital toward psychological status is with coefisient path -1.49. Significant social capital influences toward the treatment adherence with path/structural coefisient 0.92.The better of social capital can decrease the stigma, psychological stress, and increase the treatment adherence of leprosy medication. The solution model of leprosy is based on social capital and it can be applied in health service and community, so it can reduce the risk of ENL and disability which effected to the live quality of leper.
}, year = {2014}, journal = {International Journal of Epidemiology & Infection}, volume = {2}, pages = {92-96}, url = {http://manuscript.sciknow.org/uploads/ijei/pub/ijei_1406802742.pdf}, language = {eng}, }