@article{25756, keywords = {leprosy, Treatment, Early Diagnosis, India, Hypopigmentation}, author = {Sahay RR and Bansode-Gokhe S and Shanbhag S}, title = {Leprosy-Post elimination phase. Still a public health challenge in India}, abstract = {

Leprosy is a slowly progressive, chronic infectious disease. It is a very serious, multilating& stigmatizing disease in many parts of the world and early diagnosis and therapy is the most important strategy for its
control. A 7 year & 6 months male child belonging to the Adivasi Kaatkari familybelonging to lower socio-economic class from Raya village, under Sub-Centre Raya, TalukaKalyan, District Thane under the Rural Health Training Centre, Khadavali came with his father & two siblings in June 2013 with the complaints of hypo-pigmentedanesthetic patches on back & reddish raised patches on forehead &madarosis since one & half months. Intervention at an early stage will avoid the onset of the more serious signs and symptoms. Efforts must be made to alert population at risk and all health workers about the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {Indian Journal of Applied Research}, volume = {5}, language = {eng}, }