@misc{26148, keywords = {Negelected Tropical Diseases, London Declaration}, author = {Uniting to Combat NTDs }, title = {Country leadership and collaboration on neglected tropical diseases: Third progress report of the London Declaration.}, abstract = {

Endemic countries are demonstrating strong ownership and leadership, in variable financial, political and environmental circumstances, to ensure their NTD programs are successful in meeting 2020 targets. Countries are achieving elimination goals, more people are being reached, and the drug donation program for NTDs, the largest public health drug donation program in the world, continues to grow.

This third progress report of the London Declaration on NTDs showcases examples of countries making strides toward increasing domestic investments to control and eliminate NTDs and provides a compelling case for why NTDs are a development best buy.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {London Declaration on NTDs}, number = {Third progress report }, pages = {56 p.}, publisher = {Uniting to Combat NTDs}, address = {London}, url = {http://unitingtocombatntds.org/sites/default/files/document/UTCNTD%20FULL%20REPORT.pdf}, language = {eng}, }