@article{26661, author = {Garg G and Thami G P and Mohan H}, title = {Sporotrichoid pattern of nerve abscesses in borderline tuberculoid leprosy: A case report (sporotrichoid like abscesses in leprosy).}, abstract = {
Linear distribution of multiple subcutaneous nodules or ulcers along the course of lymphatics, classically seen in lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis, has been observed in a number of other infections like localized cutaneous leishmaniasis, cutaneous tuberculous and non tuberculous mycobacterial infections, Pasteurella tularensis, Scopulariopsis blochi, Nocardia brasiliensis, yaws and syphilis. A case of borderline tuberculoid leprosy with multiple cutaneous nodules corresponding to resolving nerve abscesses in a sporotrichoid pattern is being reported.
}, year = {2014}, journal = {Indian journal of leprosy}, volume = {86}, pages = {161 -163}, issn = {0254-9395}, url = {http://www.ijl.org.in/2014/(3)%20Geetha%20et%20al%20(161-63).pdf }, language = {eng}, }