@article{26828, author = {Wang N and Liu H and Zhang F}, title = {A lepromatous leprosy patient with permanent disability.}, abstract = {

Editor's introduction:

A disabled, 61-year-old Chinese man was referred to our hospital with suspected leprosy. Multiple, asymptomatic, and asymmetrical infiltrated nodules were found on his extremities, with loss of eyebrows. Both hands and feet had developed visible deformities. High-resolution sonography, used for superficial nerve assessment, showed ulnar nerve trunk inflammation. After being diagnosed with leprosy 18 years ago, because of the stigma of leprosy, he rejected the diagnosis and refused to take medicine. He was subsequently lost in follow-up. During the past 3 years, he gradually developed visible deformities.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene}, volume = {93}, pages = {896 - 898}, issn = {1476-1645}, url = {http://www.ajtmh.org/content/93/5/896.long }, doi = {10.4269/ajtmh.14-0843}, language = {eng}, }