@article{27877, keywords = {Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), Ethics, Africa}, author = {Metz T}, title = {How to deal with neglected tropical diseases in light of an African ethic.}, abstract = {

Many countries in Africa, and more generally those in the Global South with tropical areas, are plagued by illnesses that the wealthier parts of the world (mainly ‘the West’) neither suffer from nor put systematic effort into preventing, treating or curing. What does an ethic with a recognizably African pedigree entail for the ways various agents ought to respond to such diseases? Of course, an African ethic requires much more contribution from the Western, ‘developed’ world. However, what else does it prescribe, say, on the part of sub-Saharan governments and the African Union, and are they in fact doing it? I particularly seek to answer these questions here, by using the 2014-15 Ebola crisis in West Africa to illustrate what should have happened but what by and large did not.

}, year = {2016}, journal = {Journal of African Philosophy}, volume = {12}, language = {eng}, }