@misc{28153, keywords = {Water and sanitation, Sustainability, Disability, Asia, Access to water}, title = {Thinking beyond the finish line: Sustainable sanitation services for all.}, abstract = {
The  purpose  of  the  report  is  to  be  a  useful  reference  for  the  participants  of  the  Learning  Event  as  well  as  for  other   practitioners, managers,  local  governments  and  other  actors  involved  in  the rural  Sustainable  Sanitation  and  Hygiene  for  All  (SSH4A)  programme  across  Asia  and  Africa.
The  report  aims  to  capture  the  keycontent   delivered   by   experts   at   the   event as   well   as   the   experiences,   successes   and   common  challenges   expressed   by   the   participants.

The  Sustainable  Sanitation  and  Hygiene for  All   (SSH4A) Programme  aims  to  improve  the  health  and  quality of  life  of  rural  people  through  enhanced  access  to  improved  sanitation  and  hygiene
}, year = {2016}, pages = {66 p}, publisher = {SNV & IRC}, url = {http://www.ircwash.org/sites/default/files/ssh4a_snv_asia_learning_event_2016_final.pdf}, language = {eng}, }