@misc{28521, keywords = {Programmes, Networks, Knowledge management, Interventions, Information networks, Information management, Information, Disability projects, Disability, Developing countries}, author = {Adams L and Guy M and Last U}, title = {Making it work: good practices for disability-inclusive development and humanitarian action.}, abstract = {

“This practical guide outlines the Making it Work methodology. Making it Work aims to mobilise a group of organisations around a specific issue, document good examples of good practices and then support specific target groups to replicate or scale-up these practices...It provides a straightforward and flexible methodology that can be adapted to different organisations, topics, settings, strategies and available resources” 

}, year = {2015}, edition = {1st}, pages = {1-108}, publisher = {Handicap International}, url = {http://www.hiproweb.org/uploads/tx_hidrtdocs/MIWGuidelines_PG17.pdf}, language = {eng}, }