@misc{28743, keywords = {WASH, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Manual}, author = {Ogden S and Gallo K and Davis S and McGuire C and Meyer E and Addiss D and Haddad D}, title = {WASH et les Maladies tropicales négligées - Un manuel a l'intention des responsables de la mise en oeuvre du programma WASH.}, abstract = {

This manual is divided into disease-specific chapters that describe the transmission cycle, symptoms and disease burden of the WASH-related NTDs endemic globally. Each chapter includes information about WASH activities that are most essential to the control of each disease. Maps of disease prevalence are provided to enable identification of disease endemic communities most in need of sustainable WASH services.

}, year = {2013}, edition = {1st}, pages = {58}, publisher = {Sightsavers}, address = {Atlanta, USA}, url = {http://www.washntds.org/PDF/WASH%20MTN%20Manuel.pdf}, language = {fre}, }