@misc{28856, keywords = {Women and development, Vulnerable groups, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Policy development, Participation, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Marginalised groups, Inclusion, Human Rights, Gender issues, Equal opportunities, Disabled people's organisations, disabled people, Disabled Children, Accessibility, Access}, author = {International Disability Alliance (IDA) }, title = {Nairobi declaration: Inclusive post-2015 development agenda for persons with disabilities in Africa.}, abstract = {

The Nairobi declaration calls for a more inclusive post-2015 agenda with a specific demand that development agenda targets and indicators explicitly include persons with disabilities. This document succinctly summarises the issues faced by persons with disabilities in Africa and their specific demands to enable greater inclusion in the post-2015 development agenda. It was adopted by persons with disabilities from Africa, representatives of national, sub-regional and Pan-African disabled people’s organisations, on the 8th of March during the Nairobi conference “Inclusive post 2015 development agenda and UN CRPD in Africa”, organised by the International Disability Alliance in partnership with the International Disability and Development Consortium, UNICEF and the UN Partnership to promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

“Inclusive post 2015 development agenda and UN CRPD in Africa”

8 March 2014

Nairobi, Kenya











}, year = {2014}, pages = {7}, url = {http://iddcconsortium.net/sites/default/files/news/files/nairobi_declaration_inclusive_post_2015_18_march.pdf}, note = {





}, language = {eng}, }