@phdthesis{28876, keywords = {Disease control, WASH, Timor Leste, Risk, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STHs)}, author = {Campbell SJ}, title = {Epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminth infections in Timor-Leste.}, abstract = {

This thesis explores: what is the prevalence of STH, and what WASH risk factors contribute towards infections? What are the associations between STH infections and plausible STH-related health outcomes, and finally, what are the associations between aspects of WASH and the village environment with intensity of STH infection, in these communities? Environmental variables, but again few WASH variables, were associated with intensity of STH infection in this analysis. Despite this, WASH is the only identified mechanism that could reduce or prevent transmission in this high-transmission environment. It should be included in integrated control strategies.

}, year = {2016}, pages = {365}, publisher = {The Australian National University}, url = {https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/109265}, language = {eng}, }