@article{31172, keywords = {Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), Lymphatic filariasis, Leishmaniasis, Trachoma}, author = {Bhattacharya S and Azim S}, title = {Neglected tropical diseases.}, abstract = {

Neglected tropical diseases [1,2,3,4] (NTDs) comprising of a group of communicable diseases that occurs in 149 tropical and subtropical countries and affect more than one billion people. It is prevalent in areas with poor sanitation and disease transmitting vectors. They affect poorest of the poor and results in huge loss to the economy of the country.

}, year = {2013}, journal = {Kenkyu Journal of Gastroenterology }, volume = {3}, pages = {14-16}, url = {http://www.kenkyugroup.org/images/articles/728bf2071fa0897c1580eebcc6939fc3.pdf}, language = {eng}, }