@article{31224, keywords = {Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), onchocerciasis, Black fly, Diagnostics, Ivermectin, Onchocerca volvulus, River blindness}, author = {Unnasch TR and Golden A and Cama V and Cantey PT}, title = {Diagnostics for onchocerciasis in the era of elimination.}, abstract = {

In the past few years, efforts to eliminate onchocerciasis from Africa have intensified. These efforts are primarily based on the mass distribution of the anti-helminthic drug Mectizan™ (ivermectin). This program has led to the development of new guidelines by the World Health Organization for the verification that transmission has been suppressed and eventually eliminated. The requirements of diagnostic tools for this purpose differ in many ways from tests used to diagnose infection in individuals. In this review, we summarize the progress that has been made to identify diagnostics that meet the specialized requirements needed to verify onchocerciasis elimination, discuss why these tests were selected and summarize the needs that still exist to complete the arsenal of diagnostic tools that will be useful as the goal of elimination is achieved.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {International health}, volume = {10}, pages = {i20-i26}, issn = {1876-3405}, url = {https://tinyurl.com/y8cwbxvp}, doi = {10.1093/inthealth/ihx047}, language = {eng}, }