@article{32057, keywords = {leprosy, Tuberculosis, Hensen’s disease}, author = {Subedi R}, title = {An Overview Background of Hensen’s Disease or Leprosy}, abstract = {

Leprosy is a granulomatous disease acquired by the Mycobacterium leprae. Although there is a significant improvement in the treatment of this disease, it is still endemic in many regions, commonly in India, Indonesia, Brazil and many other nations. The pathogenesis of the bacteria is full of complexity and it has remained to be elucidated. The clinical presentation of the disease based on the patient’s immune system. Surprisingly, leprosy is a type disease which diagnosis can only be processed when one of the clinical signs described by WHO (discussed below) has appeared in infected patients. Like tuberculosis, leprosy is also treated with multidrug therapy. Moreover, the future directions of the leprosy were also discussed in this paper.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {EC microbiology}, pages = {438-443}, url = {https://www.ecronicon.com/ecmi/pdf/ECMI-14-00513.pdf}, language = {eng}, }