@article{32058, keywords = {Corticosteroids, Dapsone syndrome, Hypersensitivity, leprosy}, author = {Swetha S and Vyshnavi P and Geethanjali K and Nedamanuru K}, title = {A Case Report on Dapsone Syndrome in Leprosy Patient}, abstract = {

Dapsone is a sulfone group of drug with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. It is the cheapest, oldest and most active drug in sulfone family used in treatment of leprosy and skin blistering diseases. Dapsone causes several adverse reactions among which some are fatal with multiorgan involvement such as dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome or dapsone syndrome. Prompt diagnosis, drug discontinuation and early treatment is essential to prevent its fatal effects and associated mortality. We report a case of 35 year old male with complaints of fever, tightness and scaling all over the body after dapsone administration. Patient was improved and discharged on treating with corticosteroids, antihistamines, antibiotics, emollients and vitamin supplements.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {EC pulmonology and respiratory medicine}, pages = {522-524}, url = {https://www.ecronicon.com/ecprm/pdf/ECPRM-07-00234.pdf}, language = {eng}, }