@article{32062, keywords = {leprosy, Irreversible blindness, Secondary cataract, Exposure keratopathy}, author = {Patil A and Sabnis M}, title = {A case of leprosy with major ocular anterior segment manifestations}, abstract = {

Leprosy is a chronic disease which hampers the physical, social and economic well being of an individual. Gerhard Hernick Armauer Hansen in Norway in 1873 rst described Mycobacterium leprae as its causative agent. It is one of the oldest recorded infections affecting humanity (2000 BC). Around 10 to 15% of patients with ocular leprosy end up in blindness while the prevalence of blindness due to leprosy in India is 4.7%. About 20% of leprosy cases on Multi drug therapy develop ocular complications, 11% of which are vision threatening hence; ophthalmological monitoring is required following initiation of MDT. We are reporting below a known case of lepromatous (cutaneous) leprosy showing major external ocular manifestations of the disease in both eyes. Our aim was to initiate immediate treatment in order to avoid blindness in future. Medical as well as surgical therapy was given and patient showed visual improvement over a period of two months.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {Indian journal of applied research}, volume = {8}, pages = {54-55}, url = {https://wwjournals.com/index.php/ijar/article/download/4074/4029}, language = {eng}, }