@misc{32114, keywords = {Findings report, Manual, Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), NTD programming, Sustainability assessment}, author = {CIFF and Dalberg NA}, title = {Sustainability assessment tool for NTD control programmes.}, abstract = {

The NTD Sustainability Assessment is a forwardlooking Excel-based tool that is set up to measure the sustainability of NTD programming. Sustainability is measured by the degree of government ownership of NTD programming. Providing scores on the level of government ownership around different components required for a sustainable program, the scores allow governments and partners to see where improvement and support is needed and help to inform future programming. The Assessment is comprised of an integrated excel-tool as well as user manual outlining the process and templates for implementing the tool. The final output is a Findings Report with recommendations for future programming.

}, year = {2018}, pages = {48}, language = {eng}, }