@article{32454, keywords = {leprosy, Family stigma, Family stress, ABCX theory, Indonesia}, author = {Nasrudin and Yusuf A and Hargono R and Suwandi T}, title = {The analysis of influences of family stress factors with ABCX theory on family with leprosy in Jombang Regency, East Java.}, abstract = {

Leprosy have psychosocial effects for the patient and his family. They get negative stigma and then discrimination from social interaction. Family members who suffer from leprosy are their own stressors for families, these events may be closely related to the family's ability to manage stress. Family resources can be a buffer of the impact of stressor events on family stress levels. The aim of this study is to analyze the factors associated with family stress using model theory ABCX.

The purpose of this research was to analyze family spiritual factor with family resilience theory approach in overcoming family stigma. This current research used a cross-sectional design. This current research used a cross-sectional design. The research population were 174 leprosy families in 21 endemic Leprosy Puskesmas (local clinics) in Jombang Regency, East Java. The samples were 120 families, taken using Multi Stage Random Sampling technique. The Hypothesis test used Chi Square test with p-value <0,05.

The results found that there were 62 (51,7%) had moderate and 28 (23,3%) high family stress, while test hypotheses obtained from The individual factors and Environmental factors influences on family stigma (P = 0.000).  Individual factors include stigma individual, self-concept, Quality of life, activity daily living and disability level of leprosy patient influences on family stress (P = 0.001). Family factors include family support, economic status, knowledge and family perception towards leprosy affects the family stress (P=0.000). Environmental factors include social stigma, stigma by healthcare providers and healthcare providers’ attention influences on family stress (P=0.000).  Family stigma influences on family stress (P=0.000).

The conclusion that the individual, and environmental factors influence the occurrence of family stigma and family stress. The researchers suggest that intervention in an attempt to overcome the family stress attention on individuals, families, environment and the family stigma.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {The 2nd Joint International Conferences}, volume = {2}, pages = {264-270}, url = {http://proceeding.tenjic.org/jic2/index.php/jic2/article/view/71/43}, language = {eng}, }