@article{32520, keywords = {leprosy, Self-esteem}, author = {Teli AR and Ghorapade N}, title = {A study to assess the level of self-esteem among leprosy patients at selected societies of Sangli District.}, abstract = {

Background Leprosy may be left the public discourse, Leprosy is still prevalent in Hindustan: from April to September 2016, in six month 79, 000 leprosy cases were founded, according to National Health Profile, 2017. It is a gradually progressive disease which damages the skin and the nervous system. Caused due to infection by Mycobacterium leprae, Leprosy leads to leads to skin lesions, disfigurement and lack of sensation in both limbs.

Aims & Objectives To assess the level of self-esteem among leprosy patient. To find out the association between level of self-esteem with selected demographic variables.

Material & Method A descriptive research design was used for the study among 330 samples of leprosy patients, the population of the study comprises of Leprosy patients. Inclusion criteria was leprosy patients who are residing at selected societies of Sangli district, who are willing to participate in study. Non probability convenient sampling technique. Analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics

Result & conclusion 62.4% of leprosy patients are belongs to low self-esteem, 37.6%, of leprosy patients are belongs to mean self-esteem and there is no leprosy patients with High self-esteem.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {International journal of nursing education}, volume = {10}, pages = {12-14}, issn = {0974-9349}, doi = {10.5958/0974-9357.2018.00091.0}, language = {eng}, }