@article{32632, keywords = {leprosy, Geriatric leprosy, Hansen's disease, Elderly}, author = {Natasha G and Gallagher K and Simpson C and Daniels S}, title = {Geriatric leprosy: Two Cases of new onset Leprosy above 80 years of age}, abstract = {

Leprosy is a disease that typically affects adolescents and young adults. However, with India's ageing population, there is likely to be a rise in geriatric leprosy. Currently, there is only one other published case of geriatric leprosy. Here, we describe two cases of leprosy, which were first diagnosed above the age of 80 years. We discuss the diagnostic challenges and treatment considerations unique to leprosy in the elderly patient. Specifically, initial presentations of neuropathy may be falsely attributed to other conditions such as diabetes. In addition, clinicians should consider tailoring the dosage of multi-drug therapy (MDT) in these group of patients to avoid drug-related toxicity.

}, year = {2018}, journal = {Indian journal of leprosy}, volume = {90}, pages = {167-172}, url = {http://www.ijl.org.in/2018/10%20Natasha%20G%20et%20al%20(CR)%20(167-172).pdf}, language = {eng}, }