@article{33771, title = {The home as an important leprosy transmission factor.}, abstract = {

Objective: to describe the profile of households and household contacts who presented one or more cases of the disease after the first notification. Method: this is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study. Fifty-two patients who presented the disease after notification of the index case in SINAN were studied. Data was collected from medical records and interviews were conducted using a form. Data were analyzed using the statistical program EPI INFO, and descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: in 2013 and 2014, 101 cases of leprosy were reported. The average number of contacts was 3.6 per household, and 46 had been living with the index case for over ten years; Regarding the contacts of these households, the education level is low; 65.4% of them did not receive the BCG vaccine; 61.5% were not clinically evaluated and 21.2% of contacts still suffered some kind of discrimination/prejudice. Conclusion: it is believed that contact control is one of the strategic pillars for breaking the disease transmission chain at home, associated with early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of physical disabilities.

}, year = {2019}, journal = {Journal of nursing UFPE on line.}, volume = {13}, pages = {e241790}, url = {https://periodicos.ufpe.br/revistas/revistaenfermagem/article/view/241790}, language = {eng, por}, }