@misc{94084, author = {Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities }, title = {The experience of persons with disabilities with COVID-19}, abstract = {This report is a qualitative research study carried out by the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities in May and June of 2020 to gain information on additional and new pandemic related barriers that persons with disabilities encounter. The study aimed to complement existing COVID-19 efforts by gathering data from (1) semi-structured interviews with open ended queries with leaders from the disability movement, (2) empirical data collection from regional focus group webinars to collect testimonials, and (3) empirical data collection and analysis of organizations of persons with disabilities in three countries in Latin America. The data were gathered around thematic units related to the global pandemic. These seven themes included living situation, safety concerns, home life and housing conditions, health care, social protection, employment and COVID-19 disability data. }, year = {2020}, pages = {71}, month = {06/2020}, url = {https://ilepfederation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/MASTER_SGPwD_COVID-19-report_FINAL.pdf}, language = {eng}, }