@inbook{94544, author = {Loureiro MDF and Almeida TÍFD and De Almeida RLF}, title = {HANSENÍASE: UMA REVISÃO PARA O CONTROLE DOS CONTATOS}, abstract = {Literature review was carried out with the objective of identifying the knowledge produced about the control of the contacts of people with leprosy. We used the descriptors Leprosy AND Epidemiology AND Prevention and Control AND Social Network, in the online libraries Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline / PubMed) and EBSCO. After analyzing seven articles that met the inclusion criteria it was concluded that the contacts are not adequately treated and there is a need for encouragement so that they can contribute responsibly with the eradication of this aggravation in our country.}, year = {2019}, journal = {As Ciências da Vida Frente ao Contexto Contemporâneo 2}, chapter = {8}, pages = {63-68}, publisher = {Atena Editora}, isbn = {9788572472326}, url = {https://www.finersistemas.com/atenaeditora/index.php/admin/api/artigoPDF/10938}, doi = {10.22533/at.ed.3261903048}, language = {por}, }