@article{94944, author = {Mulianto N and Sari ADAP and Kariosentono H and Arrochman F and Margiana R}, title = {A Systematic Review of the Importance of Chemoprophylaxis and Immunoprophylaxis in Subclinical Case of Leprosy that can Reduce the Incidence and the Transmission of Leprosy}, abstract = {Leprosy is a condition that is believed to be caused by Mycobacterium leprae abbreviated as m-leprae. There is no medication known to treat leprosy. However, leprosy progression and transmission can be done by the use of chemoprophylaxis and immunoprophylaxis. The study is a systematic review of available literature on diseases and the preventive measures employed to prevent leprosy. The study question was developed based on prevention, intervention, comparison, outcome, and the study design incorporated in the study. The survey conducted through searches in different medical and nursing databases to get materials relevant to the study. Pubmed, Cinahl, among other databases, were screened to provide documents addressed to the PICOS question. Over three hundred articles were found in the screened databases, but only four were considered for this study. Inclusion and exclusion were based on keywords of the reviews that were found online. Chemoprophylaxis and immunoprophylaxis are essential in preventing the development and progression of leprosy. Chemoprophylaxis and immunoprophylaxis act as immunization agents to people who contact infected people regularly.}, year = {2020}, journal = {European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine}, volume = {7}, pages = {709-715}, issn = {2515-8260}, url = {https://ejmcm.com/article_5121_6e5c34cd651e36acfece8c6b127d6dd7.pdf}, language = {eng}, }