@misc{96642, author = {World Health Organization }, title = {Safety in administering medicines for neglected tropical diseases}, abstract = {

Overview: Safety is a primary concern for NTD programmes. For example, medicines that are donated for treatment are manufactured under stringent regulatory authority guidelines or are prequalified by WHO, with considerable effort in determining safety for mass treatment and in conducting surveillance for serious adverse events. These training modules are intended to help national programmes for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) plan, prepare and monitor the safe administration of medicines for treatment of these diseases.

The objective of this training is to: to enable national NTD programme manager to improve safety of NTD medicine with a safe management of medications, a good knowledge on chocking prevention and identification, management and reporting of adverse events

Course duration: Approximately 1 hour.

}, year = {2022}, month = {03/2022}, publisher = {World Health Organization}, url = {https://openwho.org/courses/NTDs-drug-safety}, language = {eng}, }